Yule Wang

Work Experience

SoundHound Inc.

Machine Learning Engineer II, Former

Developed the VoiceAI that was used for various platforms: Mobile Conversational APPs, Car Voice Assistants for Mercedes and Hyundai, and Restaurants AI Voice Order System. Particularly focus on badly-form conversational user voice queries voice.

  • Built and maintained a Audio-Text Command Query Noise Detector using Distil-RoBERTa (BERT) transformer neural network, that could filter out 40% of noisy user voice-commands and resulted in a reduction of 20% of processing time in the real-time query stream production pipelines.
  • Defined noisy queries for production feasibility purposes and user-centric purposes. Automated a backend benchmarking analytics pipeline of production noisy queries.
  • Developed a Rule-Based NLP program for recognizing valid user-commands and created a Grammar-Detector together to assist the auto-labeling of the noisy training dataset (in which only 0.5% were properly manually labeled) by implementing entity extraction, parsing and Part-of-speech (POS) tagging using spaCy.
  • Created and maintained a pipeline that could automatically add more rule-based patterns when new production queries comes by implementing spaCy.
  • Experimented in Bayesian semi-supervised classification that can potentially correct the biased rule-based auto-labeling processes mentioned above.
  • Performed text mining of the user intentions and sentence structural patterns to detect whether a user query that provides complex characteristics, such as a query that has multiple user intents or a question in a query that provides multiple choices to compare between or choose from. Programmed a tool to suggest proper text regeneration and responses.

Applied Quantitative Methods (AQM)

Data Analyst, Co-op

Cross-team with Best Buy Data Team to perform Twitter Data Analytics

  • Built a content-based spam tweets filtering system using Naive Bayesian classifier, that reached an accuracy of 90%.
  • Developed a sentiment analysis model to evaluate the satisfaction improvement of customers after they were being responded to by Best Buy customer service on Twitter using the support vector machines (SVM).
  • Successfully classified different topics for Best Buy tweets using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).
  • Performed gender classifications of Twitter usernames and achieved an accuracy of 92%, by implementing the semi-supervised character n-grams algorithm.

Academia Experience

Simon Fraser University

PhD Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant

In my PhD research experience, I was focusing understanding how a correlated fracture network evolved in a low-correlated system and in a high-correlated systems.

They depicted distinct characteristics:
For low-correlated systems, the breakage or generation of the elements (or bonds) in the network more randomly. The avalanche of fracture takes place in the mid-late stage.
For highly-correlated systems, the correlation of breakage starts very early in the fracture dynamics.

  • Built a random graph model that studied the random failure dynamics in polymer networks in statistical physics study purposes and successfully forecast real-world polymer failure times.
  • Established a kinetic Monte Carlo program in Python for simulating the fracture processes that follows a Markov chain.
Fracture Process of Low-Correlation
Fracture Process of Highly-Correlation


Simon Fraser University

PhD in Physics, 2021

Statistical Physics • Machine Learning • Random Networks • Stochastic Processes

Simon Fraser University

MSc in Physics

Quantum Mechanics • Solid State Physics

Other NLP Projects

Twitter Analytics

  • Twitter Crawler
  • GitHub Repo

    Data & Machine Learning Awards

  • Kaggle: Bronze Metal & Top 8% @TalkingData AdTracking Fraud Detection Challenge:
       Implemented LightGBM to predict fraudulent clicks on mobile advertisements.
  • 1st Place @ Simon Fraser University Data Analytics Hackathon:
       Applied Random Forest to predict haul truck failures.
  • Publications

  • Wang, Y. and Eikerling, M. "Fracture dynamics of correlated percolation on ionomer networks" Physical Review E, 101, 042603 (2020).